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Via Vescovado, 7

Noli (SV)

GPS: 44.20675, 8.41610

How to reach us

By car:

from Genoa or Ventimiglia: A10 Autostrada dei fiori, exit Spotorno, then continue on the SS1 aurelia for 3Km to Noli.

from Turin: A6 Torino-Savona highway towards Savona, then take the A10 Genova-Ventimiglia highway towards Ventimiglia, exit Spotorno, then continue on the SS1 aurelia for 3Km to Noli.

from Milan: A7 Milan-Genoa freeway in the direction of Genoa, get onto the A26 in the direction of Ventimiglia, at Voltri get onto the A10 Genoa-Ventimiglia in the direction of Ventimiglia, exit Spotorno,then continue on the SS1 aurelia for 3Km to Noli.

By train:

In the immediate vicinity of the Savona train station it is possible to board the bus 40/ in the direction of Finale Ligure and then get off at the stop in Noli.

Spotorno-Noli train station is 3km from Noli. It is recommended to reach Noli by Taxi service, given the distance between the station and the 40/ bus stop.

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Villa Salvarezza Noli
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